A Review of Literature on Disaster Management Preparedness in Libraries: Post-Pandemic Issues and Challenges


  • Harpreet Kaur Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014 India Author
  • Preeti Mahajan Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014 India Author


Libraries, Disaster management preparedness, Library Professionals, Post-pandemic issues


Libraries along with their information and knowledge resources often face the threat of both human-induced as well as natural disasters, yet the reactive and proactive approaches spanning the area are not investigated at the grassroots. Disaster management preparedness is a novel area of research and entails an extensive focus on awareness and proactive management besides a preparedness perspective on the part of library professionals. This area needs more attention, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research made use of a mixed methods approach and a keyword search to identify potential patterns in disaster management techniques in the post-pandemic phase in libraries and information centers. The preparedness literature speaks about the varied dimensions of subject matter that reflect tremendously on the aspects of staff-based intentional and conscious preparedness and personnel-based unconditional resolve to cope with the scale and scope of disaster-derived problems. The paper explores the awareness prerogative and the implementation notions across libraries and reflects the diversity of undertaken approaches on the subject across different aspects.

Keywords: Libraries, Disaster management preparedness, Library Professionals, Post-pandemic issues


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How to Cite

A Review of Literature on Disaster Management Preparedness in Libraries: Post-Pandemic Issues and Challenges (Harpreet Kaur & Preeti Mahajan , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Indian Library Association, 60(04), 580-588. https://journal.ilaindia.net/index.php/lib/article/view/587

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