Impact and Challenges of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Library Sources and Services: With Special Reference to IIT Delhi
Impact of ICT, Library Services, Library Automation, ICT-based Information ServicesAbstract
A questionnaire survey was undertaken in order to get user feedback pertaining to diverse facets of resources and information services provided by IIT Delhi central library. The findings indicated that IIT Delhi has fully automated its library services and also provides traditional services along with ICT-based services. The findings show that ICT has a significant impact on information sources and library services. The study also found that A significant portion of the respondents 50.8% (N=142) of the respondents agreed and 29.7% (N=83) strongly agreed that ICT has made it possible to access library information resources and services quickly, and 56.9% (N=159) were satisfied and 30.8% (N=86) were very satisfied with the availability of ICT equipment in the library. However, the study also highlights some issues and challenges, such as lack of ICT knowledge among the users is the major problem, as it is acknowledged by 30.1% (N=84) respondents followed by lack of confidence in finding information in their respective areas 27.5% (N=77) and slow internet connection 14.3% (N=40) respectively.
Keywords: Impact of ICT, Library Services, Challenges, Library Automation, ICT-based Information Services
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