Academic Performance Indicator System and Procurement, Organization, and Delivery of Knowledge and Information of College Librarians


  • Dr. Ganesh W. Nishane Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Arts, Commerce & Science College, Bhatkuli, Dist: Amravati Author
  • Dr. Ravindra D. Sarode Department of Library and Information Science, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati (MS) Author


Academic Performance Indicator (API), Performance Indicator (PI), API System, organization and Delivery of Knowledge and Information, Professional Development


The main purpose of this research paper is to study impact of Academic Performance Indicator (API) system on procurement, organization and delivery of knowledge and information in the college libraries affiliated to the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Maharashtra. So, survey is conducted for concern college librarians and response rate is 76.37%. The structured questionnaire is used as prime tool for data collection and data analyzed through statistical test and hypothesis tested.  The result shows that there is impact of API system on procurement, organization and delivery of knowledge and information. It is found that, after implementation of API system the activities related to delivery of knowledge and information increased in the Arts, Commerce and Science college libraries affiliated to the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Maharashtra.

Result shows that, budget is the big problem for most of the college librarians to conduct activities of procurement and organization of information. There is need to solve this issues with the help of other funding agencies such as CSIR, donation from society, and assists from NGOs. The research recommended that, the state government of Maharashtra takes serious action against recruitment of an employment and sanctioned vacant staff positions in the college libraries. This research paper is based on the Ph.D. data and the thesis is submitted to the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Maharashtra.

Keywords: Academic Performance Indicator (API), Performance Indicator (PI), API System, Procurement, organization and Delivery of Knowledge and Information Professional Development, Continuing professional development, College librarians. Performance Based Assessment System (PBAS), Reference librarian, etc.


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How to Cite

Academic Performance Indicator System and Procurement, Organization, and Delivery of Knowledge and Information of College Librarians (Ganesh W. Nishane & Ravindra D. Sarode , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Indian Library Association, 60(03), 474-481.