The online attention to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) Publications: An Altmetric analysis


  • Nitin J Gajera Librarian Government Arts College, Bhesan Author
  • Dr. P V Guranani Ass. Professor (English) Government Arts College, Bhesan Author
  • Shishir H Manadalia Sardar Patel University Author
  • Ashok S Chaudhary Sardar Patel University Author
  • Viral Asjola Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad Author


Altmetric, Comparative analysis, Dimension, Gujarat Technological University, Social Media


Altmetric study counts the score which received attention on the virtual web in this fastest growing technological era. The score rises when articles are mentioned by others, where each category of mention contributes a different base amount to the final score. The purpose of the study, is to know the impact of research of Gujarat Technological University publications on social media, the craze of social media, and the likes-dislikes of users which can be useful to libraries, research institutes, organizations, etc. to budgeting and resource allocation process. To rank to social media platforms, frequently used countries, active professionals’ tweet, top 20 DOI rank. For the purpose of data collection, the dimension database was used and queried by the term “Gujarat Technology University” only articles with time duration 2011 to 2022. Out of the total received results top 200 articles were taken for an analysis whose altimetric score is higher. After collecting data, python programming language is used to analyse data with Microsoft office excel. The study concluded that Mendeley is top in use by users with a score of 12309 (54.6%) followed by dimension. The Members of the public are most tweeted on Gujarat Technological University article after the unknown (whose category is not described in the profile) category. The United States was on the top after the unknown (whose category was not described in the profile) category region while counting region wise twit.


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How to Cite

The online attention to Gujarat Technological University (GTU) Publications: An Altmetric analysis (N. J Gajera, P. V. Guranani, S. H Manadalia, A. S. Chaudhary, & V. Asjola , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Indian Library Association, 60(01), 38-45.