Challenges in Using and Providing Virtual Library Services by University Libraries of Mumbai During Covid19 Lockdown Period


  • Subash Pundalikrao Chavan Knowledge Resources Centre SNDT Woman’s University, Mumbai Author
  • Priti Pradeep Markar Dept. of Library Science SNDT Woman’s University, Mumbai Author
  • Amol Babasaheb Sawai Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya Vaijapur, Ta. Vaijapur Aurangabad Author


Virtual Library Services, University Libraries, Covid19 Lockdown Period, digital infrastructure, library professionals


Authors have conducted a study on challenges in using and providing virtual library services by university libraries in Mumbai during Covid19 lockdown. The article mainly focused on the virtual services made available, organised, demanded (by users) and provided by the university libraries in Mumbai. Its main aim is to collect information on the challenges and technical issues that the libraries faced while providing services during Covid. There are few studies made in the past on the digital or virtual libraries, but they were based on the possibility of creating a virtual library for convenience and not out of necessity. A questionnaire was used to gather the data and information to achieve the objectives of the study. The questionnaire was circulated via email and WhatsApp to the university libraries in Mumbai. The data collected would be helpful to the library professionals in India to focus on the need of digital infrastructure, training to the staff and users, need of policies to function during such disaster situation. The finding from the study signifies the adaptability and willingness of library professionals to provide services to the users even during such adverse situations. This article helps professionals in providing library services in unforeseeable events like Covid-19.


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How to Cite

Challenges in Using and Providing Virtual Library Services by University Libraries of Mumbai During Covid19 Lockdown Period (S. P. Chavan, P. P. Markar, & A. B. Sawai , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Indian Library Association, 60(01), 69-77.