Digital Information Literacy Skills Among PG Students and Faculty Members of Constituent Colleges in Universities of Karnataka: A Study


  • Lokesha M Dept. of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Manasagangotri Author
  • Dr. Adithya Kumari H Dept. of Library and Information Science University of Mysore Manasagangotri Author


Digital Information, Information Literacy, Literacy, Skills, Information Literacy Skills, Constituent Colleges


Information is a basic need to survive in an academic community. With the advancement of information and communication technologies, technology has changed the traditional and restricted modes of information generation and communication into an online mode. Technological changes with tools have created a positive threat to the academic community, and it provides a vast opportunity for the entire academic community to enrich their education and research activities. The present study attempts to investigate the digital information literacy skills among the academicians of university constituent colleges in Karnataka. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample population. A well­structured questionnaire was designed and randomly distributed to 650 students and faculty members for data collection, out of which 561 filled questionnaires were received for data analysis. The study found that 484 (86.3%) respondents are using digital information resources. 482 (99.58%) of respondents used digital information resources to get subject knowledge, for preparing notes 421(86.96%), for studying 366(75.61%), and for writing assignments and/or seminars 345(71.28%). 484 respondents (100%) preferred to store digital information sources on memory card devices, pen drive devices, and hard disc devices. The maximum number of respondents was downloading digital information resources in the formats of PDF, PowerPoint, HTML, and Word Doc file formats, respectively. The respondents benefited from access to digital information resources, i.e., 24x7 access, easy to use and access, a better source of information, and improved the quality of professional work. Information is available in various formats, allowing multiple access and time­saving. The study also found that most respondents are facing problems related to illiteracy of computer knowledge, unwanted pages, and varied search patterns virus effects; security and privacy problems software­related problems; issues with low bandwidth; security and privacy issues and system hang­ups while accessing digital information resources.

Keywords: Digital Information, Information Literacy, Literacy, Skills, Information Literacy Skills, Constituent Colleges


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How to Cite

Digital Information Literacy Skills Among PG Students and Faculty Members of Constituent Colleges in Universities of Karnataka: A Study (L. M & A. Kumari H , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Indian Library Association, 60(01), 1-13.