Service Quality- The Secret Ingredient to Elevate Library User Satisfaction
LibQual+, library user satisfaction, Service Quality, Tangibility, Responsiveness, library administratorsAbstract
Libraries continuously strive to meet the changing needs and expectations of their users by providing exceptional services and experiences. To gauge user satisfaction, LibQual+ has emerged as a valuable tool, effectively measuring service quality across various dimensions. The aim of this research is to examine how LibQual+ dimensions affect library user satisfaction, shedding light on the specific aspects that significantly influence their overall experience. The research methodology employed a combination of a structural equation model and an exploratory research approach to achieve the study's objectives. Convenient sampling was utilized to collect primary data from library users in universities situated in Telangana, India. Statistical tools such as Structural Equation Model were applied to understand the influence of User satisfaction as determined by LibQual+ is influenced by the library service quality aspects of responsiveness, empathy, tangibility, assurance, and reliability. Additionally, exploratory factor analysis was employed to identify the challenges faced by users when accessing quality services in Telangana universities. The findings of the study emphasize the crucial role played by various factors in shaping library user satisfaction. Tangibility, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, assurance, online resources, communication, staff accessibility and knowledge, and fee structures were identified as key dimensions impacting user satisfaction. By addressing these factors, libraries can enhance the overall user experience and effectively meet the evolving needs of their patrons. For library administrators and legislators, the study's findings offer insightful information, allowing them to optimize service quality and prioritize areas for improvement. By implementing the necessary changes, libraries can ensure a satisfying experience for library users, ultimately fostering a positive relationship between the library and its users.
Keywords: LibQual+, library user satisfaction, Service Quality, Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability, Empathy, Assurance, library administrators.
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