Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Public Libraries in Karnataka
Application of ICT, Information and communicationAbstract
Application of information and communication technology (ICT) enables public libraries to provide user oriented library services effectively using emerging technologies. Public libraries in South India are trying to embrace ICT in their day to day library operations. This study examines the application of ICT on library operations and services in city central public libraries in Karnataka. It also examine the ICT infrastructure and software used by city central libraries in Karnataka and opinion of library professionals on the effect of ICT on various library operations and services.In Karnataka, there are 27 city central public libraries in various districts. Simple random sampling was technique was applied in order to obtain a representative sample. Data was collected from librarians/ heads of 20 city central public libraries using survey method using questionnaire. Questionnaire aimed at collecting data regarding application of ICT, level of automation, ICT infrastructure, software used, ICT based library services and opinion of head regarding the effect of ICT on library operations and services.Study found that all the 20 libraries have adopted ICT to some extent but only eight libraries fully automated circulation. Results indicates that all city central libraries (20) which responded to the study provides internet access, digital library services and access to full text documents. City central libraries often use ICT while providing recreational services, conducting outreach programs and serving differently abled. Librarians have a positive opinion on the effect of ICT in library operations and services. Main problem identified was the limited use of ICT in providing core services such as alert services, career information services, community information services, current awareness services and services to children.The study was limited to only 25 city central libraries in Karnataka.There have many studies in public libraries in South India but they never focused on the application of ICT in city central libraries in Karnataka.
Keywords: Application of ICT, Information and communication.
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